SUNBEAM renewable energy

Sunbeam Renewable Energy is a proposed 200-megawatt solar and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project in Trimble County, Kentucky. This project has the potential to provide taxpayers, school districts, hospitals, and the local government with reliable economic benefits for years to come.

With Kentucky’s all-in energy production model, every type of energy generated can help Kentucky remain an energy leader with a strong, reliable grid. By adding solar power to the mix, we complement the state's existing energy resources, while adapting to the evolving energy landscape. Partnering energy storage with solar generation allows Kentucky to store extra solar power generated when demand is low to use when demand for energy increases, reducing the opportunity for grid failure.

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a stronger economy in TRImble county

Sunbeam Renewable Energy will bring in millions of dollars to the local community over the life of the project. The project will improve the local infrastructure and generate a new source of revenue that supports the most essential elements of the community, including schools, the local hospital, infrastructure, and local government.

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support local landowners, workers, and taxpayers

The Sunbeam Renewable Energy project will provide new jobs, lease local land, and provide millions of dollars of revenue through taxes and construction spending into the economy. It will generate American-made, affordable clean energy for residents and businesses. Sustainable energy enables a stronger grid, with secure, reliable energy for everyone. Add your name to the growing list of community members who support the project.

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